Shared Charter Flights to and from Los Angeles

Flights to and from Los Angeles

<p>Book individual seats at accessible prices by joining a flight or initiating your own flight. Crowdfunding puts the power in the palms of the flyer.</p>

Book individual seats at accessible prices by joining a flight or initiating your own flight. Crowdfunding puts the power in the palms of the flyer.

<p>No lines. No crowded terminals.</p><p>No frustration. Arrive just 30 minutes before take-off and be escorted to your jet.</p>

No lines. No crowded terminals.

No frustration. Arrive just 30 minutes before take-off and be escorted to your jet.

<p>XO utilizes data science to predict supply and demand and offer a private jet experience at 1/10th of the price and a more sustainable approach to flying private. All flights can be searched online or in our XO mobile app and booked directly.<br>&nbsp;</p><p><br>&nbsp;</p>

XO utilizes data science to predict supply and demand and offer a private jet experience at 1/10th of the price and a more sustainable approach to flying private. All flights can be searched online or in our XO mobile app and booked directly.


Experience the open future of aviation.

Below are a few of our shared charter and crowdfunded flight options. Simply register or log in to find your best options and book flights between Los Angeles and other locations.

July 17

Van Nuys

Price for the seat

as low as


July 29

Fort Lauderdale
Van Nuys

Price for the seat

as low as


Shared flights are XO Global LLC Public Charters as defined by 14 CFR 380 and are subject to XO's Public Charter Operator Participant Agreement. XO Global LLC is not a direct air carrier and does not operate any aircraft. All flights will be operated by properly licensed US or foreign air carriers. All services are subject to the terms and conditions available at Fla. Seller of Travel Ref. No. ST42114.